In addition to food and communication it is important to remember the items we might need to verify our identity, control of monies, and unique items we might not have thought about.
I am sure that many of you are like me and when we go shopping we use our plastic. Whether it is the debit or credit card it seems that many of us use cash less and less. However, in the event of an emergency or disaster it is a safe assumption that power may be down and we may not have a means to use our plastic cards to pay for items. It is suggested that a family have cash on hand to make necessary purchases in the event our plastic can't be used. You can also have travelers checks and change.
Copies of insurance policies, proof of bank records, birth certificates and SS Cards (copies), and any other important documents you will want a copy of. A water proof container is suggested to keep the documents safe.
Matches in a water proof container. There are several different kinds of matches and I found these NATA Water and Windproof matches
Make sure you have at least one complete change of clothes including a long sleeve shirt and pants. Depending on where you live you will want to take into consideration cold weather gear for the winter season.
Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper – When diluted nine parts water to one part bleach, bleach can be used as a disinfectant. Or in an emergency, you can use it to treat water by using 16 drops of regular household liquid bleach per gallon of water. Do not use scented, color safe or bleaches with added cleaners.
Always remember to have hygiene and feminine supplies packed as well.
Pet Food and Extra Water for your Pet.
Please have prescription or prescription information.
Keep into consideration if you have elderly or infants or toddlers. You may have additional needs that you need to consider.
On top of dealing with an emergency or disaster situation. You don't want to get sick from food!!
Please visit Food Safety to follow the necessary precautions to keep your food safe.
Having an Emergency Plan is very important! You can visit Make a Plan to personalize a family plan for your own family.
These areas listed are only a small part to getting your family ready in the event we have a disaster. Since we all live in different parts of this country/world it is important to prepare ourselves. I like to think I am pretty prepared person but after going through all of this material several times I know that I am not anywhere near where I need to be.
I hope you have found some of this helpful and I hope it is something none of us ever have to actually implement.
I love your planning ideas! They are great!!