Oh wow! This is hilarious! I had talked to my kids about maybe guest blogging for me sometimes, you know from a tween perspective. After I did my Vlog yesterday I thought oh wow that would be so much easier for them.
Of course my drama queen child was super excited to get to sit in front of the camera and we talked about different ideas but after dinner she came up to the computer and made her Vlog about me and then told me.
So here it is - totally unedited - my mini-me. Enjoy!
Yes that is MY mini-me! Got to love her! See that attitude? H-E-L-P MEEEE!!!! Just kidding she is an awesome kiddo!
Oh yeah - pole dancing? I asked how do you know what this is? She said uh duh I have known since I was like 8. Really? Hmmmm not sure where she saw anything about poll dancing - are they showing that on teenie bopper shows now?
Oh yeah - pole dancing? I asked how do you know what this is? She said uh duh I have known since I was like 8. Really? Hmmmm not sure where she saw anything about poll dancing - are they showing that on teenie bopper shows now?