Friday, October 7, 2011

One on One

Organizing my time for each kid

Find time to spend with each kid individually can be difficult sometimes just because of time constraints and just life.

However, on this day I was super lucky and was able to spend some genuine one on one time with both the kiddos!

The hubby and I make an effort to occasionally (like once a year if we are lucky) to take each kid out by themselves and make it their special date. Our kids are so close in age neither one of them knows life without the other nor what it is like to get that individualized attention.

Haley and I hit up the nail salon to get some much needed wanted pedis. It was SO nice! I love hanging out with her chatting about girl stuff!

Who doesn’t just LOVE Denny’s! It was about 9:30 at night and Haley was at a sleepover and the hubby was out on a bear hunt and Cody said he had been crazy pancakes and he thought me and him should hit up Denny’s.

So I said SURE WHY NOT!?  He must have caught me at a moment of weakness.  I have to drive 25 minutes each way to get there and it was late, I was tired, but I didn’t hesitate!

Yup – there is my boy! All swagger like huh? We had the best time just the two of us chatting about the day and how dad’s hunt was going.  It was so nice to enjoy his company just together.

We try to make each kid feel special individually. Some days it is tough to carve out individual or special moments for each of them.  I like to hope that the moments we do have create a lasting impression and a great memory for down the road.

Is there anything you do for each kid? I would love to hear any ideas!

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