Thursday, October 6, 2011

Updating Emergency Kits

Some of you may have previously visited my blog and read about preparing for a disaster and the steps you should take for your family.  If you haven’t had the opportunity please visit Are you Ready Part 1 and Are you Ready Part 2 these are some ideas of how to put a kit together. You can also visit Getting My Act Together which shows how I put my kit together.

Since it has been over 4 months since I created my emergency kits I decided it was time to check on the kids and rotate the items out if needed.   My kits are clearly marked so if we have to evacuate for any reason (really Arizona only gets wildfires) but just in case we can grab and go!

I checked the expiration dates on all the food. If it expired within the next 3 months I pulled it out and rotated new food in.

I added to my kit, I figure it I continue to add and update every quarter I will have a very thorough kit within the next 6 months.

I try to have a variety of food that everyone could choose from. I have put cups, utensils etc. so if we have to grab and go.

Do you have an emergency kit?  This is like car insurance for me. It is a great to have and in the event of an emergency we will be SO glad I took the time to have a kit. But I hope we are never in the situation to have to use it. Better be prepared!  I would love to hear any tips or tricks you may have on being prepared for an emergency situation.

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