Monday, April 4, 2011

FREEBIE!! This Month is Earth Day Month!!

I have a FREEBIE to offer! I am excited about the changes I have been making in my life, my family, and my home! Back a month ago I started making a change to Shaklee! This company sales products that are ALWAYS SAFE, ALWAYS WORKS, and ALWAYS GREEN!

I have some FREE Samples to give out!!

Do YOU want a free sample? It is super easy! This is what you need to do.

1. Follow My Blog!
2. Email me at and let me know you want a free sample.
3. Post a Review of the sample on your Blog or Facebook by the end of April after you try the product!

See it's as easy as 1, 2, 3!
First 10 people to email me will get a FREE SAMPLE!!

After you post your review make sure you let me know! After the review is posted I will send you a second sample for free to give away on your blog!

Think of all the GREEN you will save your wallet for trying this sample out for free! It makes an entire 16 oz bottle of cleaner and a 16 oz bottle of window cleaner! Saving Green by going Green!

No minimum to maintain your membership! (except I know you will love it so you will want to change all of your cleaning supplies and nutritional needs over to Shaklee)
That is our BEST Join Free Offer yet!
A Shaklee membership gives you…
15% discount (off retail prices) on product purchases
Special promotions, offers and discounts
Unconditional money-back guarantee

 The FREE Membership is only for the Month of April! It’s a great time to get the products at a 15% discount forever by getting your Membership for Free!

To order…
Place the items that you want in your cart.  (You need at least $30 of product at member’s price (15% discount)
Join as a Shaklee member for $19.95  (Fill out the application)
Pay for items
Place Order
You will be charged the $19.95 at first and then reimbursed when it ships.  (After a couple of days, everything will be automatic but I know several of you just can’t wait!!!)

Email Me if you have ANY Questions!!

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