Thursday, February 10, 2011

Saving my sink and my mind!

I had already decided I wanted to work on cleaning up the underneath cabinet of my kitchen sink and after yesterday morning I had no choice so it worked out perfectly.

As I was getting ready to head out the door with my kids for school and work I noticed my faucet was leaking again. We have the kind you can pull out and then it switches from regular faucet to a sprayer. Well sometimes the nut on the back gets loose and then water runs down the back tubing and all under the sink in the cabinet. It has happened so many times I always keep a towel under there just in case. So when I saw this I though oh well just a chance to clean it all out!

After doing emergency maintenance (and why does this never happen with the hubby is home and I am not rushing and in dress clothes?) I headed out to work and knew I would finish up in the afternoon.

This is after I removed all the water, wet towels, and cleaners. We were starting from scratch!

The kids really helped me out by going through all the bottles, foil, cleaners, etc. to clean out the old stuff and keep only the stuff that wasn't damaged.

The entire process only took about 15 minutes to go through everything and place the items back under my sink. I still have some ideas for my sink like putting some racks in the cabinet to make it multi leveled and also maybe a holder for all of my foils, wax paper, etc. but for now I worked with what I had.
I know you are probably wondering why anyone would have 5 bottles of dish detergent but they were less than a $1.00 and I  had coupons and Fry's was making all coupons a dollar so I was able to get them for free so I stocked up!

Day 2 Project 2 completed and with a sense of accomplishment! That saves my sanity! Now off break from work and finish up some work stuff to leave at lunch to head to parent teacher conferences!  It's gonna be a FUN day! Can't wait to hear from you all! What kind of projects have you been doing each night?


  1. I'm glad that you clarified why you had so many dish soaps. I thought we might be working our way to an intervention.

  2. I have some ideas for under your sink. First we should get rid of everything and make you a Shaklee house! :) haha Then I have a wire hook wrack thingy on my door inside my cabinet that I put all of my foil, wraps, etc in so they are all on the door and not in the basket, that will free up space under your sink, also if it leaks it won't ruin your stuff. I am going to be doing the same thing to my sink this weekend and posting a picture so I will show you. :)
